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Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)


Red Hat Package Manager (RPM), a tool that facilitates installing, uninstalling, and upgrading software for your Red Hat Linux system.

RPM packages are generally named using a convention that lets you determine the name of the package, the version of the software, the release number of the software, and the system architecture for which the application is intended.

1. mkdir -p /var/redhat-tree/RedHat
To install packages, launch the package management tool by issuing the command:
redhat-config-packages --tree=/var/redhat-tree

the redhat-install-packages command can install RPM packages from any source.
To install a package using the redhat-install-packages command, issue the command:
redhat-install-packages  package-file.rpm

3.you can use the rpm command to accomplish feats not possible using the package management tool. For instance, you can use the rpm command to install or remove individual packages, install packages from non-Red Hat media, and install packages other than those built by Red Hat.

4.Querying the RPM Database
rpm -q  package

5.Installing a Package
rpm -ivh  package

The options used with the rpm command include:
This option specifies that RPM should install the package or packages given as arguments.

This option specifies that RPM should print hash marks (#) as it installs the package as a visible indication of progress.

The verbose option specifies that RPM should print messages that summarize its actions and progress.

 if you want to overwrite the package, add the —replacepkgs option to your command:
rpm -ivh --replacepkgs bad-1.0-1.i386.rpm

6.To uninstall a package, type:
rpm -e  package

In this command, package is the name of the package, not the name of the package file. The name should omit the architecture; it can also omit the package version or package version and release number. For example, you can erase the nano package by issuing either of the following commands:
rpm -e nano-1.2.1-4rpm -e nano

If you attempt to uninstall a package on which another package depends, RPM will report a dependency error and terminate without uninstalling the package. You can force RPM to uninstall the package by using the —nodeps option:
rpm -e --nodeps  package

7.Updating a Package
rpm -Uvh  package




    RPM(全称为Red Hat Package Manager,亦称为The RPM Package Manager)是在Linux下广泛使用的软件包管理器。最早由Red Hat研制,现在也由开源社区开发


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    RPM Package Manager(原Red Hat Package Manager,现在是一个递归缩写) 由 Red Hat 公司提出,被众多 Linux 发行版所采用 也称二进制( binary code)无需编译,可以直接使用 无法设定个人设置,开关功能 软件包...


    众所周知在Linux操作系统中,有一个系统软件包,它的功能类似于Windows里面的“添加/删除程序”,但是功能又比“添加/删除程序”强很多,它就是Red Hat Package Manager(简称RPM)。本文介绍的就是关于Linux中RPM文件...

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    Linux操作系统中RPM命令参数的使用详解在Linux操作系统中,有一个系统软件包,它的功能类似于Windows里面的“添加/删除程序”,但是功能又比“添加/删除程序”强很多,它就是Red Hat Package Manager(简称RPM)。


    RPM是红帽子包管理(Redhat Package Manager)的缩写。 由Red Hat公司提出的一种软件包管理标准。 是Linux各发行版中应用最广泛的软件包格式之一(还有debian发行的deb安装包)。 作用:对RPM格式的软件包进行安装、...


    rpm命令是Red-Hat Package Manager(RPM软件包管理器)的缩写, 该命令用于管理Linux 下软件包的软件。在 Linux 操作系统下,几乎所有的软件均可以通过RPM 进行安装、卸载及管理等操作。 rpm命令包含了五

    Linux rpm命令用法详解

    rpm(redhat package manager) 原本是 Red Hat Linux 发行版专门用来管理 Linux 各项套件的程序,由于它遵循 GPL 规则且功能强大方便,因而广受欢迎。逐渐受到其他发行版的采用。RPM 套件管理方式的出现,让 Linux ...

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